INT08_DesignCompJury0154 INTERIEUR BIENNALE design competition member of jury Louise Campbell 2008 interieur
INTERIEUR BIENNALE design competition member of jury Louise Campbell ©2008 interieur
IMGP3772 INTERIEUR BIENNALE design competition 2008 interieur
INTERIEUR BIENNALE design competition ©2008 interieur
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Prijsbeesten Design Flanders Gallery ©2013 Michael De Lausnay
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Designersblock expo Salone del Mobile (IT) ©2008 Bart Claeys
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Designersblock expo Salone del Mobile (IT) ©2008 Toby Summerskill
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Designersblock expo Salone del Mobile (IT) ©2008 bart claeys


z-ball is the ultimate ergonomic inflatable playing- and sitting ball with 3 equal handles.Beside the benefits of existing sitting balls, like creating an open-hip-edge and the dynamic sitting, the z-ball makes an even better position of the S-attitude of the back possible. Many people are sitting wrong on existing sitting balls: they sit in the middle of it and create a bad position of the back. In this z-ball, the logical position of the handles stimulates to sit more at the front of the ball and gives in the mean time support to the loin: the ultimate sitting position results. To fix the ball, you can turn it upwards.

Members of jury: Louise Campbell, Marnick Smessaert, Oscar Peña, Adam Goodrum, Alasdhair Willis