2018 Alain Six
©2018 Alain Six
 2018 Alain Six
©2018 Alain Six
 2018 Alain Six
©2018 Alain Six
 ateljames 2009
ateljames ©2009
 ateljames 2009
ateljames ©2009
 Salone Satellite leaflet 2009
Salone Satellite leaflet ©2009
 Karaat magazine (BE) veelzijdig design met een knipoog 2011 Marc Masschelein
Karaat magazine (BE) veelzijdig design met een knipoog ©2011 Marc Masschelein
 pecha kucha Young Professional for Europe Award (BE) 2009
pecha kucha Young Professional for Europe Award (BE) ©2009
IMG_3302 kopie2 kopie showcase 2014
showcase ©2014
 sketchbook 2008
sketchbook ©2008



Sitting concept with all ergonomic advantages of an inflatable fitness-ball, resulting from its specific form. A three-dimensional wooden sculpture rises while exploring the limits of bended wood.

on show at
Design&bois 2008 (BE)
Salone Satellite 2009 (IT)
Greenhouse Stockholm Furniture Fair 2014 + 2019 (SE)