JAMES 16 2020 Lunettes du jura
JAMES 16 ©2020 Lunettes du jura
 JAMES 16 2015 Alain Six
JAMES 16 ©2015 Alain Six
 JAMES 16 New York magazine cover Spike Lee 2017 NYtimes
JAMES 16 New York magazine cover Spike Lee ©2017 NYtimes
JAMES 16 Spike Lee ©2017 Mama Divisuals JAMES 16 Spike Lee ©2017 Mama Divisuals
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 JAMES 18 Elton John and John Legend at Leonardo DiCaprio’s Charity Gala (FR) 2015 instagram @eltonjohn
JAMES 18 Elton John and John Legend at Leonardo DiCaprio’s Charity Gala (FR) ©2015 instagram @eltonjohn
 JAMES 18 Elton John at Leonardo DiCaprio’s Charity Gala (FR) 2015
JAMES 18 Elton John at Leonardo DiCaprio’s Charity Gala (FR) ©2015

JAMES 15-19


It was a simple trick; from a thin sheet of metal, the shape of the frames and the nosepiece were cut all at once. The nosepiece was then folded back, doing away with the need for mounted nosepieces with attached pads. What’s left, in other words, is an integrated nosepiece onto which pads can be attached directly. Theo introduced the next version of these models, in acetate. But since theo uses acetate on this one, we had to take a whole different approach. Thanks to the ingenious metal-folding system, we were able to create an open front which still holds the glass in place. The metal nosepiece has been sunken into the acetate. This means that once again, there’s no frame between the nose and the lenses.
