competition organisated by Young Designers Meet Industry
YDMI for Europe is a window on the new design generation; an exhibition on the fair, a prize, a pecha- kucha, meetings with entrepreneurs and workshops with experienced professionals from within the business. This is in short what YDMI for Europe stands for. An idea conceived by Termitestudio, and inserted amongst the special events within the XXIV edition of Abitare il Tempo in Verona (Italy). 30 young talents pre-selected from Italy, Germany and Belgium have participated to this first international edition.
Young Designers Meet the Industry summarises the objective: to promote young designers both towards the public in general visiting the fair, through the stand and sideshows, but especially also to exhibiting (and other) companies. The exhibiting companies were actively involved, for instance through the jury of the named prize: 30 owners, managers and art-directors of the exhibiting companies together formed he jury for this prize, judging the 30 designers in two different stages.
designers: Mark Braun,Uli Budde,Marco Dessi,Reinhard Dienes, Kevin Fries e Jakob Zumbühl di Fries & Zumbühl, Steffen Kehrle,Sebastian Herkner, Laura Straßer, Elisa Strozyk, Benoît Deneufbourg, Maarten De Ceulaer, Charlotte Lancelot, Damien Gernay, Jeff Rutten, Pooja Sahny, Helena Schepens,Dries Verbruggen & Claire Warnier, James Van Vossel, Luca Centofante,Matteo Cibic,
Tommaso Colia, Clara Giardina, Andrea Mazza, Stefano Merlo, Simone Simonelli, Brian Sironi, Angela Violino, Oliviero Zanon .
Head of jury: Matteo Moretti (VISTOSI)
organisation Termitestudio, Mirko van den Winkel, Carolin Sara Pein, Giovanna Massoni.