z-ball is the ultimate ergonomic inflatable playing- and sitting ball with 3 equal handles.Beside the benefits of existing sitting balls, like creating an open-hip-edge and the dynamic sitting, the z-ball makes an even better position of the S-attitude of the back possible. Many people are sitting wrong on existing sitting balls: they sit in the middle of it and create a bad position of the back. In this z-ball, the logical position of the handles stimulates to sit more at the front of the ball and gives in the mean time support to the loin: the ultimate sitting position results. To fix the ball, you can turn it upwards.
on show at
Designersblock (UK)
Salone Satellite (IT)
Young Design meet Industry (IT)
1m2 expo (BE)
Design Flanders gallery (BE)
Award INTERIEUR biennale ’08 (BE)
Young professional for Europe award ’09 (IT)